Gandhi Legacy Tour of India The Book Available on Amazon

Posted by on Nov 4, 2022 in Blog | 1 comment

Come along as we chronicle in words and pictures a life-changing journey through the heart of Gandhi’s India. Within these pages are provided an intimate experience of unique philanthropic travel though parts of India and groups that remain closely associated with the impact and phenomena of Gandhi: in the past, at present, and most importantly, in the future. “His was a challenging journey and it changed the world.”  He was a delicate and fragile man with glasses and a customary Hindu waistcloth, used a bamboo walking stick, and had a near-toothless smile. His outward appearance was that of a humble unassuming holy man; and fortified only with terrific bravery and an unshakeable dedication to nonviolent resistance Gandhi persevered and ultimately prevailed over one of history’s greatest empires. In recent years there has been sizeable growth in philanthropic-based tourism: using travel to give back to those less fortunate. However, the challenge often faced is that choosing a particular travel mission can be quite daunting; prospects for philanthropic tour missions desiring to make a difference often don’t know where to begin, or whether their efforts will really have an impact. The concept of “doing good” by “giving back,” while engaging in life-changing world travel, is an appealing proposition, but the reality is that we often fail to fully understand our true role as caring people visiting unfamiliar lands and cultures. The dedication of volunteer-abroad type programs, like Peace Corps, Raleigh International and Maximo Nivel and, is laudable, but philanthropic travel fills a different and potentially much wider niche: helping those in need without requiring a long commitment of time. Across the globe, philanthropic travelers are progressively providing monetary resources, time, and talent to increase the wellbeing of less fortunate local and village communities.  Gandhi Legacy Tour of India, ‘The Book’ will lead you on a trek through India, led by Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson and great grandson, to experience an India unknown to most Westerners.


by Lynnea Bylund


Every sale of the Gandhi Legacy Tour of India ‘The Book’ benefits under-privileged children.  For more information, or to make or consider your gracious direct donation to any of the groups featured in ‘The Book’, a list of organizations links is maintained for your convenience at –

Lynnea Bylund is author of six books published on Amazon.  She is the former Managing Director of Gandhi Legacy Tours; Director Emeritus of Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute, a 501c(3); Founder of Catalyst House, has over three decades of experience in publishing, corporate administration, marketing and business development. She was a nationally known spokeswoman for emerging broadband video and information delivery industries. Lynnea has a degree in holistic nutrition; she is the founder of two not-for-profit small business-based wireless trade associations and has lobbied on Capitol Hill and at the FCC where she has spoken out strongly against the cable TV monopoly, illegal spectrum warehousing and ill-conceived congressional schemes to auction our nation’s precious airwaves to the highest bidder. In 1995 Lynnea became the first female in the world to be awarded a Broadband PCS operating permit – she was one of only 18 winners, along with Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon, in the biggest cash auction in world history – raising $7.7B. Twitter – LinkedIn – FaceBook – PinterestInstagram & YouTube