We must be the change we wish to see in the world!

Posted by on Aug 6, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

Arun and Tushar Gandhi

Dear Friends,

With the increase in violence and economic disparities all over the world I am sure you are, like everyone else, concerned about the future. This is why more than ever Gandhi’s prophetic words: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world” become meaningful.

But how do we change and what can we do to make this world a better place for future generations?  It is always little acts of kindness that make a big difference. The world will not change until we change nor will there be peace in the world until we know what peace means and how can we become peaceful ourselves.

As part of my grandfather’s philosophy of nonviolence he talked about “Trusteeship” and “Constructive Action.” What does this mean and how can we implement this?  This is why I put together a unique “Legacy Tour of India” as an education in Gandhi’s philosophy and his expectations from all of us.

Please join us on this upcoming journey.  I can assure you it will be life changing; it is a tour like no other; and, it is an education.

 I look forward to escorting you and sharing with you my understanding and interpretation of my grandfather’s philosophy and way of life.

 With good wishes,

 Arun Gandhi