Jan 12: Heritage Walk of Old City of Ahmedabad

Posted by on Feb 7, 2013 in Gandhi Legacy Tour 2019 | 0 comments

Heritage Walk of Old City of Ahmedabad: Early morning, before breakfast, enjoy a heritage walking tour in the old city of Ahmedabad.   See how the women compensate who are in the city where they might not have access to a river or lake to wash their clothes.  Visit a Muslim Mosque in session, a Jain Temple in morning session, cows sitting relaxing outside the Jain Temples.  Walk among the camels, elephants, bicycles and motorcycles as we walk from temple, to mosque to temple. 

Camel during Ahmedabad Heritage Walking Tour

Visit the Kavi Dalpatram Memorial – Kavi Dalpatram was born into a Brahmin family which was rich in Vedic knowledge and culture. He had powerful analytical and intellectual skills enabled him to continuously uphold his integrity and humanitarianism, well supported by his wit and humor.

He grew from a budding poet at twelve, to a full flowered genius in his lifetime. His prolific library career spanned 60 books and 25 awards and included drama, poems, songs, essays and articles .He utilized his liberty skills to bring about changes in society. His vivid imagination, rich imaginary, simple language and humor endeared him to his readers.  His creations like ‘Hari Lila Amrut’ brings peace and goodwill into disturbed minds: “Kutch Garbawadi” sensitively aims for creating awareness among women. “Mithyabhiman” and “Laxmi” are satires on human ego and pride. His other publications include works on the ecstasy of man’s power of imagination and harmonious integration in multifaceted social structures and systems.

Visit Jami Masjid In Maneck Chawk – A. D. 1423  This mosque was built in 1423 by Sultan Ahmed Shah, (1411-1442).  The founder of Ahmadabad.  Its open court is 87,096 square feet in the area and its prayer hall contains 256 pillars and 76 pilasters.  The Tree of Life is carved at the opening of the Mosque.

As you continue the Ahmedabad Heritage Walking Tour you will see the shopkeepers opening up their shops.  See produce, tobacco products, malas, foodstuffs, textiles, flowers; vendors open as the city is beginning to come to life for the day.  See elephants and camels among the street traffic. Move through the street shops and then pick up a rickshaw taxi, for the full India driving experience.

(By Overnight Train Swarna Raj Express at 5:25 PM)

Late afternoon, the group will be transferred to Ahmedabad railway station to board the train Swarna Raj Express at 5:25 PM. Overnight on board. 

Meals Included: Buffet Breakfast and Lunch at the Fortune Landmark Hotel + Packed Dinner (Paratha or Roti rolls with subzi, paneer / boiled egg, potato wafers and a fruit juice) for the train journey.